Can you find a constellation in the sky?

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I am missing my oldest who is off at camp,my son...
for the first time away and hopefully having fun.
Learning new things, becoming more independent...
with childhood fleeting like it came and just went.
I remember the day he was born, on my due date in fact...
though stars I did see... my ass still in tact.
The things he has taught me, invaluable you know...
the children have wisdom not clouded or slow.
They are quick to say what they feel or they see...
and the frankness and truth,
are sometimes shocking though free!
His first time away, anxiously awaiting his ring,
to hear what he says and to hear what he sings.
Are they nice, behaved, and the germs all in check...
and...are they at 11 swapping the deck?
Is it fun, did he find something new he likes to do...
is he homesick, made friends and please not feeling blue.
I miss him, he's calling tomorrow indeed...
with smiles and positives I'll be waiting to see!

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