Can you find a constellation in the sky?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Baby Boy

My second son has been such a joy each and every day...
the same as my first with similiar but different ways.
Timid, a thinker, an observer at that...
strong willed, a bit stubborn but as sweet as Dad.
He, I always pictured in my life but thought I was doomed...
from the pain and non-stop surgeries that constantly loomed.
I made it through, although 10 years brings change...
on top of the ass, pregnancy brought on additionally exaggerated aches and pains.
An emergency c-section was not the plan,
but my son was born healthy and I made it through again.
To my face each day he and his brother bring me a smile,
as I reflect on how much I love them and how worth each mile!

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