Can you find a constellation in the sky?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Guess Who?

SOMEONE...left me a mysterious comment, so intrigued I have been...
A rhyming puzzle of sorts and a guess from within.

I could only hope the compliment of seeing my blog...
came from the one and only R-OD!

I couldn't insert my guess on the comment so here it is...
wishful thinking or not I'm going with RO until confirmed by the whiz!
Something so simple brought extra shine to my day,
I'll figure it out no matter how long it takes!
...You know it!


Anonymous said...

the other one wasnt me
but this one is
u have a beautful family


Anonymous said...

To see the light at the end of the tunnel
I have been known to drink beer through a funnel

It is good to hear you are feeling much better
It's sure beats waking up feeling much deader

I don't want to be, a big Barney Rubble
Don't want to burst your big fat Ro bubble

Sorry to say the answer is 'no'
For anyone thinking the blogger is Ro

A holiday wish from a patriotic guy
Have a safe, healthy, happy 4th of July

Don't you just hate anonymous spam?
The bottom line is - you KNOW who I am!!!!