Can you find a constellation in the sky?

Friday, May 2, 2008

We Made IT!!

Oh Yeah, bloggers...we made it!!
Look careful at the picture I took of Rosie's home page...on the bottom right corner!?! We are now located in the UR photo section of rosie's blog, under peace tee's rfaves if you want a on the link below.

This, to me, is most enjoyable! Makin' it on 'rblog's' (AKA ) homepage!

Mommy and Cannon, taken by Daddy after the CRAFTY U book signing; lunching at the Carnegie. Delicious!

The Peace tee's paid off and we are on 'rfaves' list too! Everyone has their thing, and being ONE of the many rbloggers... is mine.

Rosie has inspired me to start my blog, introduced me to the flipperoo, the PED EGG; which by the way is fabulous and in general brightens my day with the sunshine of truth. Although, I don't always agree I can still the realness.

I find the ask Ro section of her blog cool because of the variety of questions people ask. Some so crazy, where others actually invoke interesting insight into the myriad of aspects;whether spectacular or simple, in a celebrity life.

Anyway, I am glad I made it. Having been so anxious and in pain waiting for this latest brought a bit of sunshine to my cloudy days. Ironically, the worst post-op day so far, that landed me in the ER, was previewed with us on the front of 'THE BLOG'!

As I always tell my husband..."One must find some sunshine in some aspect or their day and in their life!" Being positive and optimistic is good for the soul.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Emergency Rooms

How can I describe thee...
the only way is nessecary.
Always risky in my line of sight...
but needed in order to get things right.

Not all experiences negative...
but in general medical knowledge and awareness imperative.
One must speak up and ask for explanation and reasons why...
before the 'Let's see' approach is by your side.

Yes, ALL must learn through a general sense,
of all medical variety, through testing and fence.
By fence I mean, a barrier a doctor or nurse must climb...
from the bottom to the top, locating the problem at it's prime.

At this point I've lost countof how many surgeries, in the mid teens I know...
but my medical awareness of body, mind and soul...
is still acute and strong as gold.

Like I've said before, knowlegde is key...
and will guide your gut decisions to the base of safety.
After the 18 guage needle and busted vein on the first IV...
I should've known to request the 20 guage for obvious hesitation I could see.

The fact alone I got them my records ready as I walked in the door...
continued to get perplexed facials from all who stepped the on the floor,
should have secured my mind that this was not the move...
though in the ER you should feel safe and soothed.

She took out my IV so I could travel an hour in pain,
to my surgeon who knows my medical and on the top of his game.
They tried the liable maneuver with the only option to sign...
'patient refused treatment' form to which I denied.

I had to advise the better EAP was for me to leave...
not to go home but to get treatment from my surgeon at a different facility.
Suddenly, option two appeared which was to sign what I said...
as I advised again they could follow-up but I knew at that point what was best.

Cat scan, MRI not needed, not infected...
just nerves blocked noticed by info and obvious detection.
Due to so many times I have had under the knife...
scar tissue, anxiety, and knowledge have become life.

With this one the wound is deep, the pain severe...
but my mind, body and spirit will continue to persevere.

T-sight...and YOU KNOW IT!