Can you find a constellation in the sky?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Date Set

Well the date is set for the most major of surgeries yet. Hopefully, I won't be left in a worse way.

However, as I focus and mentally prepare/cope; my deadline has been set in order to process, preserve and understand the next phase. I'll let you know how it goes!

Things could always be try and be happy with what you're workin' with...and always hope, dream and strive for whatever form that may take.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Hey, Hey, Hey!

T-sight is happy to announce the the upcoming addition to the blog!

A MASCOT....named...W2......OTHERWISE KNOWN AS...
"The Whiney Whistler"
This my friends is our new mascot. Their identity will slowly be revealed with a few clues and guesses!
The Whiney Whislter's objective is to be down with the tunes he or she likes, through whistling, although that too as 'Randy Jackson' would say is, "definitely a bit pitchy dog!"
Stay tuned...while the Whiney Whistler tunes it UP!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Memory Lane

As I look back down memory lane...
I think back to these times back in the day!

Friday, February 8, 2008


INSPIRATION comes in all shapes and all forms,
and from angles, differences and often from norms.

We all try to emmulate those that we see...
those we admire, look up to and some want to be.

The funny thing for me is understanding at best...
something age, wisdom and experience gave me zest.

To know things, have lived them, to preach to the rest...
seems only natural and forthcoming, even prophetic to test.

We all, I believe have perception within...
but a matter of tapping to feelings is skill one must win.

Win to some degree, not to deter you from life itself...
but to be conscious, aware, and respondant to yourself.
To the wisdom to know when you see something that is.