Can you find a constellation in the sky?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Night Vision
To thank for the wish...
I say a little of this...
Hollywood, is a place of dreams...
some sparkle and some that we miss.
Some you give up...
and some you can't find,
but always in spirit and always in mind.
We are not promised tomorrow and must cherish what we have.
because once it's been been broken you miss what you had.
We can't change the past but must learn for the next...
because something like family is what it is at it's best.
We are all different...but somewhat the same,
appreciating each for themselves in a name.
It's always nice to know you are known upon 'sight'
like a funny fun un...who leaves comments at night!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Janet Shoop LaFlamme
I miss Jan deeply and only cry when I can...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Birthday Britney
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
but there is still SUN!
Enjoy, relish and have a blast...
'cause summer will soon be here at last!
Seassons change, come and go...but ...
New England is precious to those who know.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Still feeding the gulls in the brisk winter air..
I try to make it a point to at least to get there.
With just a quick jump across, the waves still crash...
The sun still sets just as beautiful as in the warm summer blast!
...and YOU KNOW IT!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
McCain't do it!
Just couldn't consider how anyone could or would after reading this. Judge for yourself.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
It Is What It Is
can YOU Guess Who It Is?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Here we go again...
with the untruths around the bend
I'm asked to knock not to speak...
but then do so and am told 'Fuck YOU' everyday of the week.
Petty, bullshit, not real am I told...
but the truth always unfolds
I am told someone is getting pelted by rocks, by a two...
but when is this work, could care less and never out that would be you.
Then the authority, called on me... but not as threats, swears and madness on thee.
As if it's not a prob, with lights and doors going on... but if it was me two seconds of trouble would respond.
Unreasonable, unfair, unmentionables on the table...though I wouldn't not for spite, point, or even a fable.
Mediation there is not, moving on is the way...
I've been saying since day one...but hard when you stay
The BEACH always a beauty and one to be missed...
but the level of ignorance can never be dismissed I say when the need does arise...
to the amazement of all who are always surprised.
But wait...not they are not...
they just pretend to be dumb...
when it suits the purpose and cannot even be thumbed
...and YOU KNOW IT!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
SIX DEGREES of seperation I thought of a lot
that things happen for a reason without reason or weave.
does MADONNA remember writing me back from 'PRIVATE EYES' at the request of the gears.
but we got there and were wisked to the front with no say.
although may go unnoticed by all who's eyes feast.
but would not want to bother and not be dismayed.
Madonna has always done that for me...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
My Friend
he's friendly and fresh but aims to please.
I've learned a lot from being his friend,
and can say I will be matter what 'til the end.
He's a pleasure and a joy as well as sometimes wild,
but again he is only a child.
He always means well as his heart shines right through...
though having 'Fragile X' must make everything harder to do.
It manifests in many ways,
leaving most perplexed on any given day.
To explain...the symptoms can vary and range,
from total dysfunction to autistic in name.
We have our own lingo and speed if you will...
from my whistle, to his plants...
there's always something to discuss usually the weather he reports with great skill.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Some say you 're not done and I believe you've yet to begun.
However, if you've done it not once but thrice...
I guess I shouldn't care but the careless disregard makes it not nice.
Not only mad but embarrassed and sad.
Sad for the crew and all you don't do.
Only I feel 'LUCKY' because I thought you planned only mine...
but like ALWAYS...noting but lies.
One knows what they do and to who.
Fuck it...turn your head and act like YOU!
Not my speed and never was...
but 16 years of nonsense feels like a bust.
I will however, be thankful that I have a great one,
influenced by YOU very little as one would want.
A relationship, I did insist and am glad,
but remember the resist and the mad?
Now what...what do I say on number three of explanation...
when one lies, cheats, thinks not of the others for his own satisfaction?
Oh well, shouldn't dwell on deceit...
only positive feats!!!
and you KNOW IT!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
especially at 2:30 A.M. when all are at rest.
Jack and Me by the sea,
benefitting us both...although unspoken but seen.
Many studies have been done,
for both research and fun, that a person's best friend is a dog #1
A good boy is our dog, who loves not just all...
for canine reasons is selective and stands tall.
Though learning late just how to flow...
he has helped me through this painful slow.
go Snorty...and YOU KNOW IT...BLIGE...!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
neighbors across and some who have wept.
Wept from the frustration of being so stuck...
like I say daily, "What the Fuck?!"
Someone so bored, they rotate the nonsense and hate...
someone you wished you'd never met but now you know too much.
Their habits, behaviors, both good and bad...
but someone you'd rather not engage 'cause they are just so sad.
The games, the etiquette they play but do not mind...
reasonability, rationality, but will try to screw you from behind.
Behind the bushes or the lens in the house that's not so,
not for birds or security but to harass and intimidate and eavesdrop like a MO.
The time has now come for me to move on...
to another location with less tension, more peace and positivity that is strong.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Theories I
Monday, July 7, 2008
Visual Travel
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
but a branch from the same tree knows the same time.
Guess Who II
Monday, June 30, 2008
Guess Who?
Friday, June 27, 2008
like Victoria's spray on the ledge makes one fear.
Friday, May 2, 2008
We Made IT!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Emergency Rooms
the only way is nessecary.
Always risky in my line of sight...
but needed in order to get things right.
Not all experiences negative...
but in general medical knowledge and awareness imperative.
One must speak up and ask for explanation and reasons why...
before the 'Let's see' approach is by your side.
Yes, ALL must learn through a general sense,
of all medical variety, through testing and fence.
By fence I mean, a barrier a doctor or nurse must climb...
from the bottom to the top, locating the problem at it's prime.
At this point I've lost countof how many surgeries, in the mid teens I know...
but my medical awareness of body, mind and soul...
is still acute and strong as gold.
Like I've said before, knowlegde is key...
and will guide your gut decisions to the base of safety.
After the 18 guage needle and busted vein on the first IV...
I should've known to request the 20 guage for obvious hesitation I could see.
The fact alone I got them my records ready as I walked in the door...
continued to get perplexed facials from all who stepped the on the floor,
should have secured my mind that this was not the move...
though in the ER you should feel safe and soothed.
She took out my IV so I could travel an hour in pain,
to my surgeon who knows my medical and on the top of his game.
They tried the liable maneuver with the only option to sign...
'patient refused treatment' form to which I denied.
I had to advise the better EAP was for me to leave...
not to go home but to get treatment from my surgeon at a different facility.
Suddenly, option two appeared which was to sign what I said...
as I advised again they could follow-up but I knew at that point what was best.
Cat scan, MRI not needed, not infected...
just nerves blocked noticed by info and obvious detection.
Due to so many times I have had under the knife...
scar tissue, anxiety, and knowledge have become life.
With this one the wound is deep, the pain severe...
but my mind, body and spirit will continue to persevere.
T-sight...and YOU KNOW IT!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Dr. T
Day 1
Starts with gauze packing removal at one a.m.
again at 6 I am back for round two again.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
My Turn!
but things could always be worse without a doubt.
Number 16, I think including all the others,
but this one is the Mother.
Cutting muscle can never be fixed,
like a rubber band stretched, no be nixed.
My Surgeon the BEST, Dr. Walters that is...
he is informative, honest and his heart wraps the rest.
I know I'm in good hands, surgically acute,
and look forward to less pain in the future to boot!
No guarantees in medicine as all should know...
but faith, positive attitude and karma does show.
At least I can see, hear, taste and drive...
and at least I am still alive.
Of course, I was challeneged with the biggest of all,
on a week where positive, focus and belief are not small.
Catdog's hair raises up and dander will fly...
with reason, despair, hurt and surprise.
The eye that is peeled will always make the jump,
to relax, focus and settle over the hump.
My Kids, My Husband, My Family and Friends mean the most...
like to all you try to be a good host.
To know one to the core and how they'll react...
is something no one can count on not even a rat.
Trust is like glass so treat it with care...
'cause once it's been broken it's sometimes impossible to repair.
On the flip LOVE is kind, well meant, sincere and persevered...
but must be cherished, balanced, respected and revered.
All my Love to my guys...
W, T & C
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Morning Medley
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Fears and Tears
the tears just stream and stream,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Peacefully Inspired

until one day you reach the end.
the change horizon sittin' at the door.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Crafty Cannon
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Bourne, Cape Cod Basketball Tournament 2008
OMG...the day before departure did I ever think my 'tush' was not gonna' have it!
The pain the worst it's been in months...with the drain drainin'. My husband and baby stayed home because game after game in a hotel was too much for me to handle with everyone. It turned out great however. We all got a break.
The East Haven All Stars did great with a few unfair snafoos...but we showed how it's done.
Here is a little movie I threw together of the trip. Most pics taken from the car, a few in Woods Hole, Falmouth , MA (at the Marthas Vinyard Ferry); the basketball court and the hotel.
The music is all I had available so a know...but maybe I'll change it when I get some new beats. Enjoy!
Oh well stand by... it won't upload for some reason...maybe too long...trying to split movie in two...hang tight!
You know it...
T-sight Productions 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
but be the one to try, hope, fail and believe!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Red Rover
Friday, March 14, 2008
Madonna and Rosie are still BF's after all these years and for some yellow, red bracelet, astrological line up, karma or just will I have found myself on since she joined the view.
I find Rosie fascinating, moving, real, charismatic, friendly, strong, open but yet shy, compensatory, understanding and most of all loving. Funny thing is...I have been feeling the same way about Madonna since the day I heard her voice and even more when I saw her eyes.
That must be why these compelling, controversial and talented women have lasted as long as they have!
So, the CHALLENGE is to see if one of my many Ask Ro will reach it's destination. I'm not Kathy Griffin or anything...but if Ro could show Madonna Kathy's outfit, I would wish with all the SUN I can gather that she would ask/pass on my question? "
Madonna adopted her son David from Malawi, above Zimbabwe, on the East side of Africa near the island of Madagascar.
Life is short and sometimes more full circle than you imagine.
I asked RO to ask MO if she remembers my letter of '85 which if you ask anyone who knows me, is my dream since then.
I would love to have lunch with Madonna, Rosie and combined friend of their choice!
It may seem corny but it's mine!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Date Set
However, as I focus and mentally prepare/cope; my deadline has been set in order to process, preserve and understand the next phase. I'll let you know how it goes!
Things could always be try and be happy with what you're workin' with...and always hope, dream and strive for whatever form that may take.
Friday, February 22, 2008
T-sight is happy to announce the the upcoming addition to the blog!
A MASCOT....named...W2......OTHERWISE KNOWN AS...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
and from angles, differences and often from norms.
We all try to emmulate those that we see...
those we admire, look up to and some want to be.
The funny thing for me is understanding at best...
something age, wisdom and experience gave me zest.
To know things, have lived them, to preach to the rest...
seems only natural and forthcoming, even prophetic to test.
We all, I believe have perception within...
but a matter of tapping to feelings is skill one must win.
Win to some degree, not to deter you from life itself...
but to be conscious, aware, and respondant to yourself.
To the wisdom to know when you see something that is.
Friday, January 25, 2008
so I sent this to be show my care.
Although, I wanted to post in Sept. '07 when she passed...
my feelings were raw and were invaded at best.
Kawasaki's you know what it is?
Neither did I 'til my baby presented with this.
The emergency began as I wrote about before...
but so soon I had no time to rewrite my Jan's poem to her.
There's one thing I know and feel comfort at best...
Jan knows how I loved her and appreciate all the rest.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
PEACE from the BEACH
Seeing as I'll be on break from my writings for a while, while I contemplate my next surgery; so here is a little PEACE from the BEACH which always clarifies my space. FOCUS!!
One must enter upon surgery mentally prepared if at all possible. If not, sometimes it's almost better on the emergency note because you don't have time to get worked just have to deal. If it's that bad, one just want's to feel better and doesn't have time to worry about any sound decisions...just to get better.
I myself, prefer to try to make sound surgical decisions and prepare for any and all possibilities so that way I still have some control over the illness. You know what I mean?!? Planning is good...for anything...if you can!
However; on the flip side, I also tend to procrastinate on certain aspects of the process because not only is it mentally and physically exhausting, it's hard to swallow some realities. I find it especially hard to handle the medical reality of what has transpired and what is to come.
Things could always be that's how I see it!
Probs w/ vid...wl load later...bye
Friday, January 18, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
All Stars II
Still such a fossil I love tapes! Although, they don't convert or sound well, I am just now adjusting to the Jetson way.
I'm with Regis who is a moderately meager user of the techno gadgets, however; one must overcome and adapt just as Queen Elizabeth has managed. She just began a YOU TUBE website to deliver her annual Holiday Greeting...and update on the Royal lovely.
So...stay tuned...and you know it!
Enjoy the few clips!
Monday, January 14, 2008
All Stars
starring the EH All Stars!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Family 2007
Here a little movie of some of the family!
Maybe we can plan a family gathering this summer to unite all extentions of the family!
I am considering planning a Kawasaki Disease Fundraiser this summer, in honor of...
Cannon Bay Tyrrell...which may be a good time to unite!
Please visit the website for more information... Please feel free to sign in and leave comments and answer the questions and well as check back in for new content.
We would LOVE it!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
She probably doesn't understand that it means more than just feeling down. The manic aspect may play a role in her continous shopping combined with her erratic ups and downs. The paparazzi adds to the madness both negatively and positively depending on her mood and need for attention.
When will there be a law stating that paparazzi must stay a certain distance away? That seems reasonable. Understandably, they can shoot anyone or thing out in public...but the dangerous car chasing and in your face photog press is not reasonable.
Anyone? Anyone? Ferris?
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
some are regular and some certain seasons.
They all bring something of their own...
attractive to you; although often unknown.
Unknown in the sense you're unsure what it is...
but it's something positive unlikely to fizz.
Often, in life we make lots of friends...
but those who remain are rare to the end.
Sometimes there are differences in life and in path...
but good friendship if realized, expressed and respected will last.
We live, we learn, we feel and we deal...
but the enrichment of a good friend is irreplaceably real.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Friends and Family
Have a wonderful, prosperous, outstanding, fantastic, loving, happy, knowledgeable, and progressive year to come!
Test video...just checking!
This has been a message from T-sight...and you know I SEE you!
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